All three Fear Street films will be dropping on Netflix throughout the month, introducing viewers to the. You’re barely given time to register the film’s more shocking moments before you’re onto the next. 927 71K views 1 year ago Horror fans are in for a special treat during the month of July. This is an impressive debut by Patrice Laliberte, whose bloodlust finds gallons spilled long before the film’s explosive ending. Snapped up by Netflix at this years Sundance, I Dont Feel At Home In This World Anymore is the directorial debut of Macon Blair.
While the movie’s soft open introduces us to one of the workshoppers, Antoine, running through a series of preparation techniques with his wife and daughter, the movie belongs to its solid ensemble who aren’t afraid to get their hands messy and beards frost-bitten. Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen, and Sam Waterston create a magical dynamic of love, frustration, and acceptance.

Why You Should Watch: The cast of this Netflix show is superb.

Action and Adventure The Foreigner (2017) 66 Critics Consensus: The Foreigner adheres.
A prepper readying for the apocalypse, Alain maintains his own 500-acre compound out in the snowy Canadian wilderness which is where he regularly runs workshops for those seeking the same lifestyle. This March, three films featuring five incredible actresses arrive on Netflix: Doubt, Junebug, and Emma. Uptight Grace and free spirit Frankie must come together to support each other through the chaos. Found a hidden gem on Netflix that’s not on our list Let your fellow fans know in the comments. That sparks an unnerving and haunting series of events which twist and turn several times before. It's as lean as the stiff, icy rabbits skinned and gutted by its doomsday internet star, Alain. The two cellists strike up a love affair in Shanghai and decide to take an impromptu road trip. A Quebecois survivalist thriller that’s stacked to the rafters with knuckle-biting moments, no mean feat considering its brisk 83-minute runtime.